Our Coaching Approach
Our philosophy is that the long-term profitability and prosperity of a business is closely tied to its commitment to employee development. Specifically:
When employees achieve, businesses thrive
Employee development integrated into an organization's vision, values, and key business challenges
Successful leaders recognize the balance between achieving business results and demonstrating effective leadership qualities
We provide three forms of coaching that have provided our clients measurable results.
Effectiveness Coaching which includes:
Monthly “Coach OnsiteTM“
Coach is scheduled one day a month to be on-site
Anyone in the leadership/management team is able to schedule a session
Topics are driven by the individual
Sessions focused on current issues the individual needs help to address
Coach acts as a thought partner
Transformational Leadership Coaching which includes:
Initial data gathering using surveys, interviews, and/or personality assessments
Analysis, interpretation and in-depth debrief of results which includes identification of strengths and opportunities for growth
Creation of individual development plan identifying critical milestones, measures of success and an end date
Ongoing coaching to support successful implementation of plan
o Coaching sessions include experiential learning, open discussions, brainstorming with coach, articles, and exercises.
Follow-up report to measure and encourage progress against plan
Leadership Readiness Approach which includes:
Leadership Readiness (Succession Planning) is designed to prepare for critical career passages whether it is moving up or out of an organization. Alt Consulting’s facilitated process has shown documented success with identifying and developing key employees. Based on objective assessment, open dialogue, planned development activities, and a color-coded chart to track progression, we have seen measurable results in lower turnover, improved employee engagement, and an increase in internal candidates filling positions.